C H O I C E  Photos

Choice, MN
Fillmore County

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Photos taken in or near Choice, MN

Choice Basebase Team

left to right
Carl Peterson b. 03/1887; Richard Anfinson b. 12/1889; Morrel Wicks b. 10/1897; Hans Hanson b. 02/1883; Gerhard Eiken b. 04/ 1880; Oscar Peterson b. 08/1881; James Vigeland, Elvin Eiken b. 11/1889 d. 03/ 1924, Elmar Vigland b. 1892

Choice Baseball Team
Choice Indians Baseball Team · 19[10|11|12]

The Cornet Band

Choice Cornet Band · 19??

Choice Cornet Band · 19??


Left to right
Back row: Sylvia Hauge, b. 9 Apr. 1899, Joseph Wicks, b. 22 July 1899, Edith Aygarn, b. 4 Nov. 1898. Front row: Mildred Aygarn, b. 10 Mar. 1901, Eunice Cary.

Choice Confirmation
Choice Confirmation · 19xx

Choice Confirmation
Highland Prairie Confirmation · 1925

Left to Right
Back Row: Walter Howe, Harold Gudmundson, Morris Lee, Herbert Byholt, Joseph Eiken, Art Knutson, Nils Madelssen Jr.

Middle Row: Art Howe, Gladys Olson, Evelyn Ives, Ione Eiken, Olga Olson, Selma Bratberg, Art Millie

Front Row: Martha Dolalie, Ruth Halvorson, Rev. Nils Magelssen, Hilda Kopperud, Josie Dragvold

School Picnic

Choice School Picnic
Choice School Picnic · c1911

Back Row, Far Right: Edith Aygam, Alvida Elstad, Mary Burr (Bird)

Second Row: Charles Olson, Ed Danielson, Lena Ryan, Inga Olson, Nellie Cary, Beatrice Burr, Olga Wicks, Agnes Wicks, Sylvia Hauge, Mary Johnson, Mary Vitse, Mamie Vitse, Sadie Haakenson, Julia Ryan, Gerda Elestad (SP Ellestad?), Cora Cary

Third Row: Joe Wicks, George Danielson, Helmar Ellestad, Irvin Nordgaard, George Bakke, Harley Larson, Henry Vitse, Norman Eiken

Front Row: Esther Aygam, Doris Dahl, Florence Wicks, ?, Clara Ryan, ?, Mildred Aygarn, Ione Eiken, Eunice Cary, Olga Richardson, Blanch Bakke, Grace Aygam, Carl Johnson, Selmer Ryan, Sidney Ellestad, Orrel Larson, John Danielson

Last Updated 1/1/2007