Malissa GIBSON
- Born: 12 May 1890
- Marriage: James BATES on 28 Oct 1916 in Knott County, KY
- Died: 12 Jun 1963 at age 73
Noted events in her life were:
• Obituary: Bates, Liss, 1963, Knott County, KY. Bates, Liss By the request of Dingus Bates and with much sadness I will write an obituary of sister Liss Bates. She was the daughter of Brother Sherman Gibson and sister Margaret Gibson. Sister Liss was born May 12, 1890 and deceased June 12, 1963. She lived here on earth 73 years, and one month. Sister Liss was married to Jim Bates in the year of 1916. To this union was born six children, four boys and two girls all living. Sister Liss joined the old Regular Baptist Church April 20, 1963 and was baptized April 28, 1963 by Elder Joe Burke and Oliver Meade. Sister Liss has left a good example before her children and grandchildren and one brother and three sisters and we believe many friends to mourn the loss. So I want to say to Sister Liss children: I believe if you ever see Sister Liss anymore you will have to be as humble as Mary was when she came down to the feet of Jesus and washed his feet with tears and dried them with her hair. So children I think your mother can sing the songs of Angels together with the saints forever. Written by a brother in hope of Eternal life. Dingus Bates, her son says the funeral of Sister Liss is set the first Saturday and Sunday in July of1964 at the Linza King Graveyard on Right Beaver. Preachers chosen are Elders Eppy Holbrooks, Joe Burke, Oliver Meade, and Ervin Breeding and all preaching brothers are invited to come.
Malissa married James BATES on 28 Oct 1916 in Knott County, KY.