Family Links
Unknown TULLIS
- Born: probably Scotland
- Marriage: Unknown
Noted events in his life were:
• Note: letter to Mr. Campbell. Dear Mr. Campbell: Thank you for speaking with me on the telephone last week about the Fife <> Family History Society and for your suggestion that I contact David Dobson. His name was already familiar to me because I have seen three of your books among genealogical references in San Francisco <>: Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America <>, Scottish-American Wills, and Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775. I appreciate your offer to send materials about the Tullis-Russell Paper Company and, if possible, the name of someone in Fife that is interested in the Tullis/Tullos families in Scotland <>. As you know, I am attempting to establish trans-Atlantic connections for the Tullis/Tullos migrations that emigrated to the American Colonies in the middle and late 1600's. The first settler was Cloud Tullos, a tanner and shoemaker, who was born in 1641 and arrived in Virginia, probably as an indentured servant, in about 1661. He was member of the Anglican Church in Virginia. Robert Tullis first appeared in 1704 as a Quaker in west New Jersey. He later moved to south New Jersey where he and his children, who became Presbyterians and Baptists, were farmers. It is widely believed that the migrations were from Scotland and research in Scotland indicates that these families came from Fife. So far, however, there is no actual evidence to provide solid support for the trans-Atlantic connection between these families in the American Colonies and Scotland. Mr. Dobson suggested that there may be shipping records from ports in eastern Scotland and England <>, Quaker records and apprenticeship records that might establish the Scottish connection. I have written him and asked for his assistance in locating any of the records of this kind that may exist. I think it is also important that research be done on Fife parish records. I understand from our telephone conversation that the Fife Family History Society does not ordinarily research family history dating as far back as the 17th Century. However, if you can think of any member of the society or, perhaps someone connected with it, who is interested in this period and is skilled in the reading of old parish records, I would like very much to be put in touch with him or her. The immediate interest is to locate parish records during the 20-year period from 1641 to 1661 when Cloud Tullos was in Scotland. I am a civil trial attorney in San Francisco and have not developed any skills in reading older handwritten documents from either Scotland or Virginia. However, in May Pat Tulloss from Birmingham, Alabama is planning a trip to Scotland <> to continue genealogical research of parish records which she began in Scotland several years ago. Pat Tulloss is a speech pathologist and has become an expert in deciphering handwritten Scottish and Virginia records. If someone in Fife could do some groundwork in advance of Pat's trip <>, it would probably be extremely useful. I understand that there are still parish records that have not been copied into modern English. Pat would like to look at any uncopied records that may exist in those parishes in addition to any records that have been copied but have not been available to her in the United States. As I promised in our telephone conversation, I am enclosing the materials which fall into three categories: The first two are information about the Tullis/Tullos migrations to the American Colonies. Research in this country has shown that there were two migrations, one to Virginia in about 1661 and a later migration to New Jersey in about 1700. The third category consists of information gathered from Scottish records. The oldest material indicates that the Tullis/Tullos is a branch of the Tulloch family that in 1450 obtained a charter for the "lands of Hilcarney" (probably in or near Cupar) in Fife and its family members were also the keepers of the Muir Montrewmonth. By the mid-1600's, these families had settled in areas along the eastern coast of Fife, particularly St. Andrews, Leuchars, Ferry Port on Craig, Crail and Ansthuther and also began to move to Edinburgh <>. Scottish records indicate that earlier spellings included transitional spellings from Tulloch such as "de Tulach", "Toullocht" and "Tullo" which by the 16th Century had become "Tullois", "Tulloise", "Tullus", "Tulloiss" and "Tullos" and "Tulloss". "Tullis", now the most common spelling in both Scotland and the United States, was not widely used until the 17th Century. The Virginia Migration: Enclosed is C.D. Cochran's article Tullos of Virginia (Part I) which documents the early Virginia migration. This migration began with Cloud Tullos, the earliest known settler from this family to arrive in North America. Cloud Tullos sometimes appears in Virginia records as "Claudious" and his surname was frequently spelled "Tullus". He was born in 1641 and he is believed to have arrived in Virginia in 1661 and, in any event, no later than 1665 when he was granted a king's patent for land in Northumberland <> County, Virginia. Cloud's patent was granted for the transportation of two men who were to be bound landowners on adjoining or nearby lands. Cochran believed that Cloud may have been married to Sarah Rodham and lists five children: Cloud, born in 1662; Richard, born in 1667; Susanna, born in 1672; Sarah; and John, born in 1682. Based upon traditional naming patterns, the naming of the first son may indicate that Cloud's father was also named Cloud. I am enclosing two additional items of information that are not contained in Cochran's article. First, there is an entry in the Virginia Colony court records in 1665 involving a dispute over the ownership of a pig. It indicates that Cloud came to Virginia as an indentured servant: Cloud Tullus, aged 24 years, sworn and executed, sayeth that the deponent, about 5 years ago, (he being then Thomas Adams's servant) did hold the sow that Captain Rogers claimeth (he being a suckling pig) whilst Thomas Adams did mark her, and the deponent hath known her to be Thomas Adams' sow ever since and further sayeth not. Cloud Tullus August 4, 1665 Second, a court order dated 16 November 1698 indicates that Cloud was a tanner and shoemaker. The court decreed that William Grady, a 15-year old orphan, having chosen Cloud Tulllos as his guardian had bound himself to Cloud and his son, John, until he reached 21 years of age. The order was made with "Cloud and John giving good caution to teach the said William the trade of a Tanner and shoemaker as farr as they can dureing the said term to find him and allow him Convenient Dyett, washing and Lodging <> fitt or such an apprentice and teaching him or causing him to be taught to Read." Notes on Early Origins of Family: Michael and Francis (sometimes "Francisco") Tullo ("Tullus") were brothers. When Michael died in 1555, Francis was heir to the custodianship of Muir Montrewmonth (also "Moor of Montremont"). This custodianship had been confirmed by charter from King James V to Michael Tullo and his spouse, Alison Cockburne, in 1516. The custodianship of Muir Montrewmonth and a royal charter to the "land of Hilcarney" were inherited by heirs of the family for many generations before and after Michael and Francis and provide an important genealogical record. In 1399 John, son of William of Toullocht, was appointed keeper of Muir Montrewmonth. It appears that William and John lived in area of Brechin and Forfar where Nicholas, Fergus, Walter and David Tulach (also "Tulache") appear in land and other records during the 14th Century. In 1450 the king granted to John de Tulach, the grandfather of Michael and Francis, and John's spouse Elizabeth, a charter to the lands of Hilcarny (this was either the John who received the custodianship of Muir Montrewmonth in 1399 or his son). David Tullo, the father of Michael and Francis, received a charter to half of the lands of Hilcarney in 1501. This land along with the custodianship of Muir Montrewmonth passed to Michael in 1528 and, after he died, to his brother Francis in 1555. Francis was assize in Cupar 1520 and 1555 and a frequent witness to land charters by David (Lindsay), Lord Crawford in Fife and Edinburgh. When he died in 1572, his son Thomas Tullo ("Tulles") of Hilcarny received the lands of Hilcarney and the custodianship of Muir Montrewmonth. In 1581 the king confirmed the charter of Thomas Tullocht and his son Alexander for the custodianship of Muir Montrewmonth; however, Nicol ("Nicholae") Wardlaw and her spouse, Patrick Wood were given life rents in Muir Montrewmonth and their son, David Wood, was granted the custodianship. The Tullis/Tullos custodianship appears to end with Alexander who probably died sometime after 1600; however, the name Alexander was an extremely popular first name in subsequent generations. What became of the lands of Hilcarney is not known. Notes on Tullis/Tullos Households in Fife in 1641: There are only six families in which the father could have had a son in 1641, the year in which Cloud Tullos' was born. These are: St. Andrews--Alexander Tulloise, m. to Margaret Scott, with sons Alexander, b. 1642; John, b. 1645; William, b. 1648; and Robert, b. 1653. Leuchars-- __________ Tullos, father of Robert and William, b. 1640; John, b. 1640; and Alexander, b. 1651. Ferry Port on Craig-father of Alexander Tullos, b. 1647. Anstruther <> Easter and Wester--________ Tullus, b. 1618 (these are probably the sons of John Tullus who was the town clerk of Anstruther Wester in 1626); James Tullus, b. 1624; and John Tullus, m. to Margaret Watsone, with sons John, b. 1647 and _______, b. 1648. I do not know whether it will prove to be practical or possible to reconstruct additional family groups in Fife that existed in the Seventeenth Century. The information so far indicates that Cloud Tullos, and probably Robert Tullis, were most likely from the eastern coast of Fife and that records in those parishes between 1641 and 1661 might offer the best prospects for uncovering additional information. Notes on Additional Tullis/Tullos Families: Agnes Tullos, spouse to Alexander Gourley, died in parish of Kennoway in 1551; George Tullose, m. to Marion Duncan (she died 1594}, died in 1580 in Lingo; Margaret Tullos, widow of Andrew Taylor, died in Aberdrombie in 1606; Katherine Tullo, widow of James Saltoun, a merchant, died in Edinburgh in 1646; Margaret Tullos, widow of George Kingzow, died in Crail 1671; Thomas Tullos, parish of Dunnino, died 1615; William Tullis died in Carnbee in 1661; James Tullos m. Issobel Wilkie, West Kirk Parish, Canongate in 1661; Patrick Tullus m. Janet Moutrey in 1681; Anna Tullus married James Ferguson in 1690; David Tullis, mason in St. Andrews m. Janet Watt (d/o James Watt, sailor) in 1799; William Tullis, magistrate of Edinburgh died in 1875 at the age of 88 years. Notes on the Branches of the Virginia Migration: Descendants of Cloud in the United States now number in the thousands. Three branches have been well-documented. One branch of the Virginia migration became Quakers while in Virginia and moved west to Ohio. The leading figure the movement to Ohio was Richard Tullis (1794-1856), a great-great grandson of Cloud, who had ten sons and two daughters. About the time of the Civil War, the Ohio branch has adopted the "Tullis" spelling the name. In their book Richard Tullis of Columbia County, Ohio (1989), Carolyn Miller and Patricia Tullys trace this branch from Cloud to generations that are now living. Two Southern branches of Cloud's descendants have also been documented. One descends from Cloud's great grandsons Temple and Willoughby Tullos who moved as children to North Carolina <> and, after the Revolutionary War, they settled in Georgia and, later, in Mississippi. Temple and Willoughby married sisters, Thankful and Anna Mills, and together produced 20 children (Temple, 12 and Willoughby, 8). This migration later continued to move west to Louisiana and, later in large numbers, to Texas. "Tullos" is the predominant spelling of the name by descendants of this branch; however, the "Tullis" spelling was popular in Mississippi during the 1800's and some, like my own family, have continued to use this spelling to the present time. Another descends from Rodham Tullos, a another grandson of Cloud. This branch began spelling the name "Tulloss" while in Virginia in the early 1800's; they subsequently migrated to Ohio, Tennessee and other parts of the South. Notes on Spelling Variations: As in Scotland, the spelling of the name by the Virginia migration has varied widely. This migration occurred at a time when the spelling of the name in Scotland was often spelled "Tullos" and "Tullus". (The New Jersey migration came at the beginning of the 18th Century when the spelling "Tullis" was becoming increasingly popular). In this country and in Scotland, "Tullis" and "Tullos" have become the most common spellings of the name; however, here a distinct branch of the family spells the name "Tulloss" and the name is also spelled "Tullous", "Tullus" and "Tillis" in addition to other similar variations. GENEALOGY OF ROBERT TULLIS ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS, 1700 TO 1965 I. Introduction Robert Tullis (1775-1831) founded R. Tullis & Company (later Tullis Russell and Co. Ltd.) in Fife, Scotland. After moving from St.Andrews to Cupar in 1797, he established the company as a bookshop and bindery and soon expanded the business to include a printing press. The Tullis Press captured the commercial printing market in Fife and its surrounding area and, between 1803 and 1849, published more than two hundred books. These included books of poetry, historical and scientific works, textbooks and English and Latin classics. Robert Tullis added to the company the Auchmuty paper mill in Markinch in 1809 and became one of the earliest paper manufacturers in Scotland. In 1822, he began publishing the Fife Herald, the first newspaper to be published in Fife. Although R. Tullis & Company began as a partnership of seven and its composition changed through the years, the company was essentially the creation of its founder, Robert Tullis. In her history of Tullis Russell & Co. Ltd., C.D.M. Ketelbey wrote: Robert Tullis was a deeply ingrained Fifer by birth and family connection. His son William traced four score descendants, up to his own generation, from a Fife great-grandfather, sown thick through the villages of South, East and Central Fife, especially about the parishes of Largo, Newburn, Cupar, and St. Andrews. Many of them were tenant farmers, some were rural craftsmen, a few had mercantile and professional connections. They seem to have spread outwards from the Largo area to Cupar and St. Andrews and their neighborhoods. . . Ten variants of the name occur within the family---some for the same man at different times---Tillas, Tillias, Tillos, Tellos, Tyllos, Tholas, Tullis, Tulles, Tullos and Tulls, but Tullis seems to have become standard by the beginning of the nineteenth century. II. The Preceding Generations Robert Tullis was a son of William Tullis, an ironworker (hammerman or smith) in Argyle, just outside the West Port in St. Andrews. Robert's grandfather, also Robert Tullis, was born in about 1700 and was an ironworker in Newbigging, Lawhill and a tenant and feuar of Blinkbonny in the parish of Newburn, both near Largo, Fife. Generation Number 1 Robert Tullis (Tillas), born in about 1700, married Margaret Miller in 1724. The children of Robert and Margaret were: 1. David 2. William 3. Robert 4. John 5. Margaret 6. Euphaim 7. Agnes Generation Number 2 William Tullis (Tillas) (1729-1791), was the second son of Robert. He was the first in his family to move to St. Andrews where he followed his father's craft and was elected Deacon of the Hammermen of St. Andrews (craftsmen widely known for their wrought iron work) and served on the Burgh Council. He married Jane Russell of Dumbarnie, near Largo, whose brother Alexander Russell was married to William's sister, Agnes. William and Jane had seven sons, four of whom died young. The three remaining sons were: 1. David 2. Robert 3. William William's oldest son David (1767-1837) followed the craft of his father and grandfather and became Deacon of the Hammermen and was appointed Burgh Council Assessor. He died childless. William's third son William 1780-1867) was sent to Edinburgh or Leith were he had family connections and became a commercial baker and later a corn merchant, member of the Police Commission and City Magistrate. William, a shareholder in R. Tullis & Company, was known as a "thorough Conservative" and had purchased property in Fife in order to vote there and "uphold the honour of his family against his Whig nephews." He died in 1867 and, like his brother David, was childless. III. Robert Tullis, Founder of R. Tullis & Company Generation Number 3 Robert Tullis, the second son of William, was born in 1775 near St. Andrews. The extent of Robert's formal education is not known although he may have attended the "Latin" or "English School" for a year or two. At the age of 11, he was bound apprentice to Patrick Bower, St. Andrews University bookbinder and stationer who undertook to "teach, learn and instruct" him in the "business and employment of bookseller and bookbinding." He completed the apprenticeship in about 1790 when he was 15 or 16 years of age. It appears that Robert Tullis thereafter learned printing from James Morison, the University Printer (a position to which Robert was later appointed in 1808). In about 1797, Robert moved a distance of about ten miles from St. Andrews to the market town of Cupar where he became a bookseller. In 1801, Robert purchased a property in the center of Cupar, at 6-8 Bonneygate, where he established a bookshop with a bindery and, in 1803, a printing press and book publishing business. In 1809, Robert purchased what became the Auchmuty paper mill (formerly a bankrupt meal mill) near Markinch, on the river Leven. In 1822, he began publishing the Fife Herald (originally the Cupar Herald). He was Burgh Councillor in Cupar and a leading public figure in East Fife. Robert Tullis married Agnes Smith in October 1804. She was the only daughter and oldest child of George Smith, tenant in Kinnaird in the parish of Kemback, between St. Andrews and Cupar. Kinnaird was a substantial farm which had been held by the Smiths for a century on successive leases from the Makgills of Kemback. The children of Robert and Agnes were: 1. George Smith 2. William 3. Robert 4. Jane (or Jean) 5. Alison (or Alice) 6. Christina (Christine) (Two other sons died in infancy) Between 1820 and 1828, Robert's three sons (and two other Tullises) were students on the rolls of St. Andrew University. Jane married J.P. Nichol, one of Robert Tullis' editors at the Herald. He was the father of John Nichol, who became Professor of English in Glasgow. Christina, born in 1818, married William Nichol, typographer in Edinburgh and brother of J.P. Nichol, about 1838. They had six children (Alfred, the fourth son, became manager of the Rothes paper mill which the company purchased in 1836 and later became a partner in the firm). Alison (1812-1845) married James Wallace, a merchant and bookseller. They had two children before their marriage ended; Alison died in 1845. By this time, Robert had died in 1831 at the age of 56. IV. Following Generations Generation Number 4 Robert's son George Smith Tullis (1805-1848) received as a disposition under his father's will the right to purchase the bookselling, stationary and publishing businesses started by his father. George became a Burgh Councillor in Cupar and a leading businessman, book printer and publisher of the oldest local newspaper. Under George's direction, the Fife Herald became known for its radical partisanship "helping forward the earth-shaking march of democracy" and proclaiming its hostility to peers, millionaires, the landed interest and the "unjust privilege of caste." Under George, the newspaper became so radical that it provoked the Fife Tories into founding a rival newspaper in their own interest, The Fifeshire Journal. George died at the age of 42 from an illness of only a few days duration. George was married twice and left a widow and a son; a daughter had died in infancy and another daughter died at the age of six. His son was: 1. Robert Robert's sons William (1807-1883) and Robert (1813-1839) received the right under their father's will to purchase his interest in the Auchmuty paper mill. In 1836, they purchased a paper mill in Rothes which had been owned by David Lindsay. Robert Tullis died suddenly at Auchmuty of tubercular fever in 1839 without issue. In 1845, William Tullis and his cousin, James Thrift Smith (the son of James Smith who was the brother of Agnes Smith, William's mother and the wife of Robert Tullis, the founder of R. Tullis & Company) became "managing partners" of the company. In 1846, R. Tullis & Company purchased the Rothes Bleachfield which brought within control of the company the entire stretch of the south bank of the river Leven from the Auchmuty Dam on the west to the Balbirnie Dam in the east. William Tullis married Agnes Russell (1817-1898) in 1846. They had no children; however, Robert, the son of George Smith Tullis, lived with them after his father's death. William enlarged the scale of the two paper mills and bleaching business, doubling the firm's output and more than doubling its working capital. His good relations with his employees were legendary and they "grew old in his service." He was one of the earliest directors of the Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee Railway. William favored free trade and was an ardent follower of economist Adam Smith (Smith was born in 1724 in Kirkcaldy, Fife and had served as Commissioner of Customs for Scotland). William supported "Complete Suffragists", reform in Scottish Church and revision of the Law of Entail and Primogeniture. He was described in a passport as "William Tullis, Esquire, a person of great respectability. . . about to proceed to France." Among William's closest friends were Liberal Members of Parliament and political reformers and his Rothes House was described a "political salon for the Liberal Party." However, in 1864 William broke with the Liberals in reaction to government trade policies that adversely affected Scottish and English paper manufacturers. Generation Number 5 Robert Tullis (1842-1936), the son of George Smith Tullis, became a partner in R. Tullis & Company in 1872; he joined William, his uncle, and James Thrift Smith. Robert operated the Fife Herald until 1879 when he sold it along with the bookstore and press in Cupar to John Innes who had been editor of the Herald. In 1864, David Russell and Arthur Russell joined as partners in the papermaking and bleaching businesses. This partnership appears to have continued a relationship between the Tullises and the Russells that is documented by marriage and baptismal records and business connections. The mother of Robert Tullis (the founder) was a Russell as well as his uncle by marriage and one of the sponsors of his baptism; he sold books to Russells, was a neighbor of a Russell and a Russell was a one-time editor of the Herald. In 1873, Robert Tullis married Annie Cunison Drysdale, the daughter of William Drysdale of Kilrie, Fife. Their sons were: 1. George Smith 2. William 3. Robert 4. John Drysdale By 1892, death or retirement had reduced the number of partners in the company to two, Robert Tullis, and David Russell. They were subsequently joined by David Russell's sons Robert and Sir David Russell. Generation Number 6 Robert's sons George Smith Tullis (1879-1955) and Robert Tullis (1887-1965) served in France during World War I; George was a captain in the 1st/7th Black Watch Territorials and Robert, Jr. went to France in 1915 with the 43rd Field Ambulance 14th Division. The older Robert had two other sons, John Drysdale Tullis and William Tullis, who were captains in the Royal Scots Fusiliers. Both were killed in France. John died in November 1914 after being fatally wounded in the first battle of Ypres; William was killed in the battle of the Somme in 1916. In 1906, the name of the firm was changed from R. Tullis & Company to Tullis Russell & Co. Ltd. as an official acknowledgement of the contribution made by David Russell. When World War I ended, Captain George S. Tullis shared the management of the Rothes paper mill with Robert Russell and, later, became Director of the papermaking firm of John Galloway & Co. Ltd. Robert, Jr. became the proprietor of the Rothes bleachfield in 1924. That year, David Russell and his brother Robert Russell bought the shares of Tullis Russell Co. Ltd. owned by the older Robert Tullis and his two sons. Robert Jr., however, continued to operate the bleachfield as a separate business until he retired in 1959. The older Robert Tullis, died in 1936 at the age of 94. In 1905 he had moved up the river from Auchmuty House to Strathenry where he lived to become an elderly country gentleman. Keteley wrote: "A generous kindliness and courtesy pervades his records, and a great integrity, but there is something of sadness too in the story of a man who saw his inheritance pass out his hands." GENERATION NUMBER 1 1. ROBERT TULLIS (TULLES), d. before 1725 or 1726 in Greenwich, then Salem (now Cumberland County), New Jersey. In 1704 Robert Tullis was listed in Burlington County as a Friend unwilling to bear arms and kill. (Ref: Doc. No. 1; No. 4, pg. 189; No. 49). In 1714 Robert Tullie of Cohansey signed a paper refusing to pay taxes to the royal governors. The following year, in 1715, his name appeared on the list of Colonial Militia from the north side of the Cohansey River. There has been speculation that Robert's surname was originally "Tully" and he may have come from New England. This connection, however, has never been established and "Tullie" appears to be a mistranscription of the name Tullis. (Ref: Doc. No. 4, pg. 189; No. 44, pg. 1). In March 8, 1725/6 Henry Joyce of Greenwich left by will five shillings to the widow of Robert Tulles in addition to cancelling all debts owed to him by Robert Tulles. He mentioned "all my stones" that Robert Tulles buried in the woods. Researchers have expressed the view that this widow may be that Ester Fithian, a daughter of Samuel and Priscilla (Burnett) Fithian based on the fact that Henry Joyce made a bequest to Jeremiah Fithian, son of the executor, Josiah Fithian. Samuel Fithian and Mathias Fithian were witnesses to the will along with John Cox. (Ref: Doc. No. 2; No. 4, pg. 189). It is also widely believed that Robert Tullis emigrated from Scotland and research in Scotland indicates that the name Tullis (with older spellings and variations such as "Tullus","Tullois", "Tullos") originated in Fife. In about 1700, a Robert Tullis (also spelled "Tillas" or "Tholas") was born in Largo, a parish in South Fife. This Robert Tullis was the grandfather of another Robert Tullis that founded R. Tullis & Company (later Tullis Russell & Company) and began operating a paper mill near Markinch, on the river Leven, in 1809. This Robert Tullis was also the original publisher of the county newspaper, the Fife Herald, numerous books and was the official printer for St. Andrews University. This branch of the Tullises in Fife used two first names with great frequency: Robert and William (the name of the father of Robert, the printer and paper manufacturer, as well as the name of his brother and a son). (Ref: Doc. No. 69; No. 70). Robert Tullis, who lived in New Jersey, appears to have been born sometime around 1680. No trans-Atlantic connection has yet been made between Robert Tullis of New Jersey and the Tullis families who lived in Fife during 17th Century. However, the strikingly similar naming patterns used by Robert Tullis of New Jersey and the descendants of the Robert Tullis born in Largo are noteworthy. In addition there are other possible connections. For instance, in 1668 Thomas Tullos married Janet Garner in Crail. In 1683 Robert Tullous married Barbara Gardener ("Gairdner") in St. Andrews. (Ref: Doc. No. 52; No. 70). The children of ROBERT TULLIS were: 11. ROBERT, of Pittsgrove Twp., Salem Co., m. Phebe Conkelyn, in the Pittsgrove Presby. Church on 23 Mar. 1748, d. 1784 in Salem Co.; 12. FRANCIS, of Pittsgrove Twp., Salem Cp., m. Hannah (possibly Conkelyn); 13. WILLIAM, b. 5 June 1715 in NJ, m. 1st Elinor (Elena), dau. of William and Ann Denton, (she d. after 1747); m. 2nd Mary Platts (she b. 28 Apr. 1728), dau. of Moses and Rachel (Garrison) Platts (she d. before 20 Mar. 1775; d. 9 Dec. 1796 in Deerfield, Cumberland Co.; 14. MOSES, b. ab. 1724 in NJ, m. Mary Elizabeth Van Dyke [Vandike] ab. 1750-51, dau. of Jan Van Dyke (1709- 1777) and Margaret (Margaretta) Barcolo, dau. of Coenraed and Margaret Van Barkelo, d. 1778 in Frederick Co., VA.) later Berekely Co, W.VA.); 15. PRISCILLA TULLIS listed in 1740 as an adult in membership of Pittsgrove Presby. Church. (Ref: Doc. No. 1; No. 3; No. 4, pg. 190; No. 44; No. 45; No. 51, pages 3-6) GENEALOGY OF GARNER HUGH TULLIS ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS, circa 1680 to 1969 I. Introduction Garner Hugh Tullis was an early settler near Rodney in Jefferson County, Mississippi. He was born about 1793 in Cumberland County, New Jersey. Garner Hugh (also known as Garner H. and "G.H.") was in Mississippi by 1829. In the mid-1830's, he had moved to Concordia Parish (now Tensas Parish), Louisiana where he named his plantation "Bellevue". By 1845, shortly before his death, Garner Hugh had acquired more than 2000 acres of land. Married twice, Garner Hugh had two children, Charles and Eli who were half brothers. His descendants have been successful in the law and business. Grandsons Hugh and Robert Lee Tullis, sons of Eli, both became prominent attorneys. Huge was a civil attorney who also served as District Attorney and as a judge in Tensas Parish. R. Lee Tullis practiced law in New Orleans and, later, became a law professor at Louisiana State University. From 1912 to 1933, he was Dean of the Law School. Eli Tullis Watson, a son of Hugh's sister, Nellie, was a partner in the investment banking firm of Watson, William & Company and was a well-known investment banker in New Orleans and New York. Hugh's son, another Garner H. Tullis, founded one of the most important cotton brokerage firms in the South and served three consecutive terms as President of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Eli Tullis Watson was chosen Rex, King of Carnival for the 1927 Mardi Gras; Garner H. Tullis was chosen King of the 1935 Mardi Gras (and his son, Eli Watson Tullis, was King of the 1997 Mardi Gras). Garner Hugh Tullis, the Mississippi pioneer, was a fourth generation American. His great grandfather, Robert Tullis (circa 1680-1725/6), was an early colonial settler, probably of Scottish ancestry, who was thought to have come to New Jersey from New England. Robert was a noted dissident who, in 1715, joined in protest against the payment of taxes to the royal governors. Robert's son William (1715-1796), Garner Hugh's grandfather, owned a farm and tavern in Deerfield Township, Cumberland County on the road to Muddy Run. William was also a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church and overseer for the poor. Garner Hugh's father was Daniel Tullis (1747-1798) lived in Downe Township where he was a farmer and Deacon in the Dividing Creek Baptist Church. Garner Hugh was the seventh of ten children born to Daniel and his wife, Rachel Tullis. II. Preceding Generations GENERATION NUMBER 1 1. ROBERT TULLIS, born about 1680 and died before 1725 or 1726 in Greenwich, then Salem (now Cumberland County), New Jersey. In 1704 Robert Tullis was listed in Burlington County as a Friend unwilling to bear arms and kill. (Documents No. 1; No. 2; No. 4, pg. 189; No. 49; No. 69). There is no record that he was in fact a Quaker. (Document 61). It has been observed that during this period in West Jersey "Quaker meetings attracted a large attendance from neighbors who did not choose to join in any formal way. . . [T]he meetings were very large with great comings in of other people besides Friends from 20 to 30 miles around the county." (Document 114). In 1715 Robert Tullis of Cohansey joined a protest against the payment of taxes to the royal governors. It was written that: "Robert Tullis. . . is supposed to have come from New England, probably Connecticut. . . From Cushing and Sheppard - `At about June term, 1715 a number of citizens of Cohansey were indicted for refusing to pay taxes to the Royal Governors. They were all from New England that signed it. . .' One of those who resisted the Governor's taxes was Robert (Tully) Tullis." (Document 56). In the same year, 1715, Robert Tullis' name appeared on the list of Colonial Militia from the north side of the Cohansey River. (Document No. 4, pg. 189; No. 44, pg. 1). In March 8, 1725/6 Henry Joyce of Greenwich left by will five shillings to the widow of Robert Tulles in addition to cancelling all debts owed to him by Robert Tulles. He mentioned "all my stones" that Robert Tulles buried in the woods. Researchers have expressed the view that this widow may be that Ester Fithian, a daughter of Samuel and Prescilla (Burnett) Fithian based on the fact that Henry Joyce made a bequest to Jeremiah Fithian, son of the executor, Josiah Fithian. Samuel Fithian and Mathias Fithian were witnesses to the will along with John Cox. (Ref: Doc. No. 2; No. 4, pg. 189). It is widely believed that Robert Tullis as of Scottish ancestry. Research in Scotland indicates that the surname Tullis (with older spellings and variations such as Tullois, Tullos and Tullus) originated in Fife. (Document No. 50; No. 51, pg. 3; No. 58; No. 99; No. 100; 106). The children of ROBERT TULLIS were: 11. WILLIAM, b. 5 June 1715 in NJ d. 9 Dec. 1796 in Deerfield, Cumberland Co.; 12. FRANCIS, d. 1796 in Salem Co.; 13. ROBERT, Jr., d. 1784 in Salem Co.; 14. MOSES, b. ab. 1724 in NJ, d. 1778 in Frederick Co., VA.(later Berkeley Co, W.VA.); 15. PRISCILLA (Document No. 1; No. 3; No. 4, pg. 190; No. 44; No. 45; No. 51, pages 3-6). Robert, Jr. married Phebe Conkelyn, in the Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church on 23 March 1748 and they had seven children. Francis married Hannah (possibly Conkelyn) and they had three known sons. William was married four times and had ten children. (See # 13 below). Moses married Mary Elizabeth Van Dyke (Vandike) about 1750-51, daughter of Jan Van Dyke (1709-1777) and Margaret (Margaretta) Barcolo, daughter of Coenraed and Margaret Van Barkelo. Moses and Elizabeth moved to Virginia about 1762; they had sixteen children. Priscilla Tullis is listed in 1740 as an adult in membership of Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church. (Document No. 4, pg. 189; No. 11; No. 12; No. 23; No. 42; No. 43; No. 51, pg. 3-6; No. 53). GENERATION NUMBER 2: 11. WILLIAM TULLIS, son of ROBERT TULLIS (#1), was born 5 June 1715 in New Jersey an died 9 December 1796 in Deerfield, Cumberland County, New Jersey. William Tullis bought a farm of about 100 acres in Cumberland County where the road from Deerfield Street crosses the Burlington Road and continues to Muddy Run. On 8 May 1754, as a designated overseer of the poor in Deerfield Township, he received 4 pounds, 3 shillings from the township for the care of an old Indian prior to his death. In September 1771 William received a tavern license to keep a "Publick House of Entertainment in the house where he now lives in the Township of Deerfield." (Document No. 1; No. 3; No. 4, pg. 191-93; No. 13, pg. 18; No.; 14, pg. 524; No. 45; No. 56). William Tullis purchased 116 acres of land in Deerfield on 12 March 1773 from Fithian Stratton, a small portion of which he later sold . The 1773 tax list indicates that he owned 140 acres. He appeared on the Cumberland County Tax Rolls with 106 acres from 1774 to 1779 (and was listed as William Tullice in latter two years). In his will, Philip Westcott gave to his son in 1806 land in Fairfield Township, Cumberland County that was described as being adjacent to that of William Tullis. Document No. 4, pg. 191-92; No. 10; No. 30). William was married four times. He married Elinor (Elena), daughter of William and Ann Denton; she died after 1747. She married Mary Platts, the daughter of Moses and Rachel (Garrison) Platts. She was born 28 April 1728 and died before March 1775. William married his third wife Martha by 1783. William's fourth wife was Abigail who signed as administratrix of William's estate on 13 December 1796 "in favor of Daniel Tullis". Abigail's dates of birth and death are not known. However, she appears to have been born before 1740 because the New Jersey census for 1800 lists "Abagil" Tullis in Cumberland County and shows her be over 60 years of age. "Abigal" Tullis was a witness to the Will of William Robinson in 1788. William Tullis had no known children by his third and fourth wives. (Document No. 3;, No. 4, pg. 190-92, No. 7; No. 8; No. 44; No. 45; No. 54). In March 1779, William Tullis was ordained as a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church in Deerfield. In 9 December 1796, he died intestate and, in 1800, his farm was divided among his three surviving children and the heirs of his three most-recently deceased sons (Mary, Anna, Ruth, Daniel's heirs, Moses' heirs and Eli's heirs, the latter share containing the dwelling house). (Document No. 4, pg. 191; No. 13, pg. 1, 18, 28, 30, 32-3; No. 20). The children of WILLIAM and ELINOR (ELLENA) DENTON TULLIS ware: 111. ANN, b. 13 Sept. 1739 in Salem Co., d. before 1765 in NJ; 112. WILLIAM, born 22 Aug. 1742 in Salem Co., killed on 24 Jan. 1777 at Mt. Independence, NY; 113. JOHN, b. 18 Feb. 1745 in Salem Co., d. in 1774 in Fairfield Twp., Cumberland Co; 114. DANIEL, b. 3 Sept. 1747 in Salem Co., d. in Jan. 1798 in Downe Twp, Cumberland Co. The children of WILLIAM and MARY PLATTS TULLIS were: 115. MOSES, b. 15 May 1752 in Cumberland Co., d. 15 May 1796 in Deerfield Twp., Cumberland Co.; 116. MARY, b. 23 Aug. 1756 in Deerfield Twp., Cumberland Co; 117. ELLINOR, b. 1 Jan. 1759 in Deerfield Twp., Cumberland Co., d. prior to 1796 in Deerfield Twp. without issue; 118. ELI, b. 19 Aug. 1761 in Deerfield Twp., Cumberland Co., died before 1796. 119. RUTH, b. 8 Oct. 1763 in NJ; 11(10). ANNAH, b. 12 August 1765. (Document No. 3; No. 8; No. 4, pg. 190-90; No. 10; No. 16; No. 114). Ann Tullis married John Walling of Greenwich on 25 March 1761. John appeared on the New Jersey Tax List for Downe Twp., Cumberland County in 1773. William lived in Dividing Creek Twp. and served as administrator to the Estate of John Tullis on 21 September 1774. Daniel married Rachel Glasby and had eight children; he later married Ellen Jasper with whom he had no children. (See # 134 below). (Document No. 3; No. 5; No. 17; No. 55). Moses Tullis married Mary Loper, daughter of James Loper, in the Presbyterian Church in Deerfield on 8 March 1774; she died before February 1800. Mary married Arthur Davis, son of Arthur and Ester (Preston) Davis, on 23 November 1774 in the Deerfield Presbyterian Church; she married Seely Blew in the Deerfield Presbyterian Church on 8 March 1797 (he died on 15 April,1814 in Deerfield and was buried in Presbyterian Church Cemetery). Ellinor died without issue. Eli married Rachel with whom he had one known child, Ruth (#1181), born 22 October 1790 and died 29 January 1847 in Deerfield. While unmarried, Ruth gave birth to daughter Elizabeth (#11811), born 26 November 1820 and died 1 December 1901; Ruth and her daughter were known by the surname Tully until Ruth married Joel Moore, son of Joel and Joanna (Seeley) Moore, on 23 October 1826. Ruth (# 119 and daughter of Daniel) married Joseph Fauver, a Revolutionary War soldier; he was born 17 Feb. 1763 and died at age 43 years, six months and 4 days). Anna married Cornelius Garrison and, later, Seely Blew. (Document No. 3; No. 4, pg. 190-94; No. 10; No. 11; No. 9, pg. 19-20,; No. 13; No. 15; No. 17). GENERATION NUMBER 3 114. DANIEL TULLIS, the son of WILLIAM (#11), was born 3 September 1747 in New Jersey and died in January 1798 in Downe Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey. Daniel may have been a Revolutionary War soldier. He appeared on the New Jersey tax lists in Downe Township, Cumberland County in 1778 and 1779 and sold land to Samuel Heston prior to the writing Heston's will on 12 December 1789. Daniel Tullis made inventory for John Garrison on 10 March 1790. He was a bondsman for Reuben Kellog in Cumberland County on 15 March 1791. Samuel Heston, yeoman in Downe Township, stated in his will dated 12 December 1789 that he purchased land from Daniel Tullis. (Document No. 3; No. 4; No. 51; No. 18; No. 19; No. 21; No. 24; No. 26; No. 45). Daniel Tullis married Rachel Glasby with whom he had eight children; he later married Ellen Jasper with whom he had no children. Daniel was a member of Dividing Creek Baptist Church and in 1785 was chosen a Deacon. He was buried on church grounds but his gravestone not been found. Daniel's brother John served as administrator of his estate to pay debts and sell property. The accounting was approved on June 3, 1799. On September 24, 1804, Joseph Fauver, husband of Daniel's daughter Ruth, petitioned the court stating that Daniel left nine children, some of them minors. (Document No. 3; No. 15; No. 18; No. 19; No. 24; No. 26; No. 44; No. 55). The children of DANIEL and RACHEL GLASBY TULLIS: 1141. WILLIAM, d. 1818 in Cumberland Co.; 1142. JOHN, b. 1776 in Cumberland Co., d. 1855 in NJ; 1143. CHARLES, b. 1778, d. 1819 in Cumberland Co.; 1144. DANIEL, Jr., d. as child in 1796, in Cumberland Co.; 1145: JACOB, b. 1787 in Cumberland Co.; 1146. ELI, b. 21 May 1792 in Cumberland Co., NJ, d. 29 August 1877 in NJ; 1147. GARNER HUGH, b. ab. 1793 in Cumberland Co., d. ab. 1845 in Tansas Parish, LA; 1148. ELEANOR 1149. SARAH 1150. RACHEL, d. 16 June 1865 and buried at the Dividing Creek Baptist Church Cemetery in Downe, Twp., Cumberland Co. (Document No. 3; No. 4, page 191; No. 10; No. 16; No. 20; No. 23; No. 31; No. 44; No. 45; No 55, page 434). Eli Tullis married Emma who was born in 1800. Their first son, Rev. Garner H. Tullis, was born in 1832 and served as pastor of the Port Elizabeth Methodist Church; he received land in a deed from John Tullis in 1852. (Document No. 63; No. 38; No. 40). John married Sarah Campbell on 12 April 1796; he was married a second time on 31 Dec. 1804. William married Mary Taylor on 21 January 1811. Garner was married for the first time in about 1818; his second wife was Mary McCrea whom he married on 20 August 1831 in Claiborne County, Louisiana. (See # 1147 below). Eleanor married Abraham Garrison. Rachel Tulley married Samuel Sloan on 3 March 1808. Sarah Tullis (Tully) married Ebenezer Brown on 3 March 1808. (Document No. 3; No. 44; No. 45). IV. Garner Hugh Tullis, Mississippi Pioneer GENERATION NUMBER 4: 1147. GARNER HUGH, son of DANIEL (#114), was born about 1793 in Downe Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey and died after 1845 in Tensas Parish, Louisiana. He was known as Garner H. or "G.H." Tullis. Garner Tullis appears on the New Jersey Tax List in Cumberland County in 1812 and 1815. He moved by way of Ohio to Jefferson County, Mississippi before 1829 when his names appears as a Mason in Lodge 51, Rodney, Jefferson County, Mississippi. He was listed in the 1830 federal census in Jefferson County. In 1835 Garner H. Tullis obtained the rights to two federal land grants from Charles O. Tichenor of 175.3 acres and 142 acres in Concordia Parish (in what became Tensas Parish), Louisiana named the plantation "Bellevue"; in 1837 and 1845, he made further land purchases of more than 1800 acres in Louisiana. (Document No. 10; No. 71; No. 72; No. 73; No. 74; No. 93). Garner H. Tullis was married twice. His first wife's name is not known. On 20 August 1831 he married a widow, Mrs. Mary McRea, who was born in 1790. After Garner's death, Mary married a third time to Soloman B. Stampley; he was described as a devoted stepfather to Mary's son, Eli. (Documents No. 76; No. 78; No. 80) The only child of GARNER and his first wife was: 11471. CHARLES, b. 19 May 1819 in OH, d. 17 May 1851 in Rodney, Jefferson Co., MS). ab 1840. The only child of GARNER and MARY MCCREA TULLIS was: 11472. ELI, b. 24 Aug. 1832 in MS, d. 8 Oct. 1900 in Tensas Parish, LA. (Document No. 76,; No. 87; No. 88; No. 93; No. 95). Charles married Mary Ann Elizabeth McCrary (who was born 25 December 1822 in Mississippi); he married Sarah E. Trimble on 27 March 1851 but he died the same year. Charles and Mary owned a mercantile business in Rodney. They also operated the ferry between Rodney and St. Joseph, Louisiana; at the height of the California Gold Rush in 1849, they owned and operated three ferry boats. They had four children, two of which died young. Irene (#134712) was born on 2 February 1843 and died 14 August 1848 at the age of five; Edward C. (#134714) was born 15 December 1847 and died as an infant in 1848. Their remaining children were Cleora Ester (#134711) and Charles Garner (134713). Cleora was born on 5 December 1841 in Arkansas and married William Trimble on 8 November 1859. Charles Garner was born about 1846. After Charles death, Cleora and Charles Garner were tutored by Charles' half-brother, Eli, under court appointment. Eli married Carrie Haderman and they had four children. (See # 13472 below). (Document No. 76; No. 77; No. 84; No. 85; No. 86; No. 90; No. 96; No. 97; No. 107). V. Following Generations GENERATION NUMBER 5 11472. ELI TULLIS, son of GARNER HUGH (#1147), was born 24 August 1837 in Mississippi and died 8 October 1900 in Tensas Parish, Louisiana. After the death of his father, Eli lived in the household of his half-brother, Charles; in the 1850 federal census, Eli was listed along with his brother as a planter. Eli later operated a large plantation in the Lake Bruin section of Tensas Parish. In 1860, his real estate was valued at $83,400 and his personal property was worth $80,000. (Document No. 93; No. 95; No. 109 On 5 January 1855, Eli married Caroline (Carrie) Haderman; she was born in 1835 in Pennsylvania and died on 13 November 1931 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the age of 96. Eli served as a Confederate soldier in the Civil War. In 1865, he sought and received a pardon from President Andrew Johnson. Eli Tullis served as President of the Police Jury in Tensas Parish, Louisiana in 1869 which was sued over the issuance of bonds in Police Jury v. Britton. This case was ultimately decided by the United States Supreme Court where it was reported in U.S. Supreme Court Reports in 1872. (Document No. 65; No. 76; No. 82; No. 83; No. 87; No. 88; No. 93; No. 95; No. 96; No. 97). Children of ELI and CARRIE HADERMAN TULLIS were: 114721. HUGH, b. Aug. 1857 in LA, d. after 1931; 114722. NELLIE, b. ab 1859 in LA; 114723. DORCEA, b. May 1864 in LA; 114724. ROBERT LEE, b. ab 1865 in LA, d. in 1955. Robert Lee (R. Lee) Tullis was an attorney and later served as Dean of the Louisiana State University Law School; he was married first to Maggie Josephine Texada and had one child and second to Octavia Gayden with whom he had no children. (see # 114724) Nellie married Franke Watson and they had nine children. The fourth son, Eli Tullis Watson, became an investment banker and, in 1927, was chosen Rex, King of Carnival; he married Jeanette Amalie Craighead and they had two children. (see #1147224 below). Dorcea married Joseph Curry, a deputy sheriff, on 17 July 1884 and they had three children: Katherine and Marion (who died without issue) and Joseph (who married Rita Camors). Hugh married Mellie Belmont on 8 July 1882 (See #114721 below). (Document No. 62; No. 97; No. 107; No. 108; No. 112). GENERATION NUMBER 6 114721. HUGH TULLIS, son of ELI (#11472) was born in August 1857 in St. Joseph, Louisiana. In 1870 he was a deputy clerk in the town of St. Joseph. Hugh Tullis later became a prominent attorney and served as District Attorney from 1885 to 1888 and again from 1900 to 1908. On 8 July 1882, he married Mellie Belmont Watson. She was born on 5 October 1861 in Monroe, Louisiana, the daughter of Andrew J. Watson and Lowlie Mason; she died on 18 October 1917. (Document No. 65; No. 66; No. 91; No. 92; No. 113). Hugh Tullis was a judge when he witnessed a Catholic marriage in 1898 in Jefferson County, Mississippi. Hugh Tullis argued two cases before the United States Supreme Court. In 1926, Hugh Tullis successfully argued in Mayor of Vadalia v. McNeely, 274 U.S. 676 (1926) that the town of Vadalia, Louisiana could not interfere with the operation of a ferry which crossed the Mississippi River between Vadalia and Natchez, Mississippi. He was the attorney in an unsuccessful appeal in Wolfe v. Hurley, Secretary of War, 282 U.S. 801 (1931). (Document No. 91-96; No. 97; No. 98; 101; No. 102). The children of HUGH and MELLIE WATSON TULLIS were: 1147211. ETHEL LOUISE, born 15 Sept. 1883 in St. Joseph, LA and died 27 Sept. 1954 in LA; 1147212. MELLIE BELMONT, born 9 Feb. 1887 in St. Joseph, LA and died on 30 Aug. 1971 in Slidell, LA; 1147213. GARNER HUGH, born 10 Apr. 1893 in St. Joseph, LA, died 18 Feb. 1966 in Apalachicola, FL. Ethel L. Tullis worked as a head bookkeeper and never married. Millie Belmont Tullis also remained single. Garner Hugh married Mary Lee Brown on 6 Oct. 1916. (see #11347). (Document No. 67; No. 68; Nos. 94-98) 114724. ROBERT LEE TULLIS, the son of ELI (#11472), was born on 10 June 1864 in Tensas Parish, Louisiana. He studied at Louisiana State and Vanderbilt Universities before receiving his law degree from Tulane University in 1887. He was known as R. Lee Tullis (or "Lee"). He practiced law in New Orleans from 1889 to 1897; served as secretary to the Mayor of New Orleans, 1897-99; was a law professor at Louisiana State University from 1907 to 1933; and was Dean of the Law School from 1912 to 1933 when he became Dean Emeritus. On 3 October 1891, R. Lee Tullis married Maggie Josephine Texada of Rapids Parish, Louisiana and they had a son; his second marriage was to Octavia Gayden of East Feliciana, Louisiana on 28 October 1919 with whom he had no children. The only child of Robert Lee Tullis and Maggie Texada Tullis was: 1147241. EDWARD HADERMAN, born in LA. (Document No. 62; No. 104; No. 105). GENERATION NUMBER 7 1147213. GARNER HUGH, the son of HUGH (#134721) was born on 10 April 1893 in St. Joseph, Tensas Parish, Louisiana and died in 1966 in Louisiana. Garner Tullis studied law at Tulane University but left to pursue a career in the cotton business. From 1909 until 1923, he was employed by various cotton firms. In 1923, Garner established a partnership in New Orleans with Robert E. Craig and Malcolm Brown, known as Tullis, Craig and Company (later Tullis, Craig and Bright when Edger A.G. Bright joined the partnership). The firm became one of the most important cotton brokerage firms in the South. Garner Tullis served three consecutive terms as President of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange. He took a prominent role in securing donations for the purchase of ambulances for the British and French armies before the entry of the United States in World War II and, later, served as Commander of the volunteer Coast Guard assigned to guard the docks in New Orleans during the war. In 1957, he joined the securities and investment firm of E.F. Hutton and Company of New York City and served as resident manager and general partner in New Orleans. (Ref: Doc. No.; 95, page 54, 56). Garner Hugh Tullis married Mary Lee Brown on 6 October 1916. She was born on 21 July 1897 in Omaha, Nebraska and died on 7 July 1984 in Louisiana; she was the daughter of William Henry Brown of Cincinnati, Ohio and Lulu McCullough of Galveston, Texas. He chosen Rex, King of Carnival for the 1935 Mardi Gras. The Tullis-Toledano Manor, the family's summer residence in Biloxi, Mississippi, is now used as an historical and recreational site. The presentation of the "Christmas Trees of Tullis", featuring trees decorated by various ethnic groups in Biloxi, is an annual event at the manor. (Ref: Doc. No. 95, pages 54, 65; No. 103; No. 104). Garner H. and Mary Tullis had four children. Garner H. Tullis, Jr. (1923-1931) died as a child. Malcolm McCullough Tullis married Lawrence M. Barkley of New Orleans and they had three children (Laurence M., Garner Tullis and Malcolm Barkley). Mary Lee Tullis married Norman E. Eaves and they became the parents of three children (Mary Lee, Priscilla and Penelope Eaves); she later married Albert Bruce Crutcher, Jr. and they had three children (Allison Bruce, Albert Bruce, and John Tullis Crutcher). Eli Watson Tullis married Molly Ferrell and they had four children (Molly Riffin, Eli Watson, Garner H. and Westley Luther Ferrell Tullis); his second marriage was to Deborah Beaird and they had two children (Deborah Ashbrook and Rachel Beaird). He was chosen Rex, King of the Carnival for the 1997 Mardi Gras. (Document No. 95, pages 54, 56; No. 107). At the time of his death in 1966, Garner Hugh was survived by thirteen grandchildren and one grandchild. (Document No. 69). 1147224. ELI TULLIS WATSON, the son of NELLIE (#114722), was born on Chetwynde plantation at St. Joseph, Louisiana on 12 April 1883 and died on 12 February 1969 in Keene, New Hampshire. He was educated at Boy's High School in New Orleans but did not attend college because of financial reverses suffered by his family. He began his business career with Stanton & Littlefield, a leading bond house in New Orleans; in 1907, he became a partner in Louis H. Stanton & Company. Eli T. Watson married Jeanette Amalie Craighead, daughter of Emanuel Craighead of Dayton, Ohio on 14 January 1908. (Document No. 108; No. 109; No. 112). In 1912, Eli Tullis Watson and George Elliot Williams organized the investment banking firm of Watson, Williams & Company. The firm directed the financing of the fist bridge across Lake Pontchartrain, originally called the Watson-Williams bridge but later renamed the Maestri bridge. He served during World War I with the old Washington Artillery on the Mexican border. He was chosen Rex, King of the Carnival for the 1927 Mardi Gras. During the 1930's, he moved to New York City where he engaged in investment banking. After retirement, he lived for six months a year in Europe and divided his time in the Unites States between New York and a home in Hickory, North Carolina. He died at the age of 87. (Document No. 108,; No. 109; No. 112). Eli Tullis and Jeanette Craighead Watson had two children: Jeanette Elizabeth (Betty) and Arthur Nolte. Betty Watson reigned as Queen of Carnival in 1928. She married Julian P. Brown, a brigadier general; her father, Eli, lived with her and her husband in Keene, New Hampshire for several years before he died. Arthur Nolte Watson resided in Natick, Massachusetts at the time of his father's death. (Document No. 108; No. 112).
Unknown married.