William HARGASS Sr.
William HARGISS Jr.


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William HARGISS Jr.

  • Born: 1664, Charles County, MD
  • Marriage: Elizabeth

   Another name for William was William HARGIS.

  Noted events in his life were:

• Biography. William is named in his father's will, along with brothers John Draper and Roger. There is another
section of this family history that documents the descendants of John Draper Hargis.
When this compiler began trying to work through the sale ofHARGIS HOPE to Alexander Adair, the recording of the following deed changed much of the previous thinking:

"Nov. 18, 1728, from Richard Cooper of Stafford Co., V A, planter, and Sarah, his wife, heiress to William Hargis, late of Charles Co., ELDEST SON AND HEIR TO WILLIAM HARGIS OF CHARLES COUNTY, deceased, the ORIGINAL PATENTEE and taker up of the land and premises herein mentioned of the Lord Proprietary of Maryland, as by the date and grant, together with all writings, relation thereunto had may more amply appear, (sic) and also between a certain Samuel Noe of Stafford Co., V A, planter, and Helena, his wife, also joint heiress with said Sarah, the legitimate Jane (sic) of the said William Hargness (sic)
to the land and premises hereafter expressed of the one part, to Alexander Adair of Charles Co., practition in physick (sic) of the other part, witnesses that they, said Richard Cooper and Sarah, his wife, together with Samuel Noe and Helena, his wife for 4000 lbs of tobacco in cask, and for divers other valuable considerations, sell to said Alexander Adair all that tract of land called HARGIS HOPE, lying on or near a branch of Zachiah Swamp in Charles County, according to the courses of the original grant, containing about 200 acres. Signed Richard ("R" his mark) Cooper, Sarah (her mark) Cooper, Samuel (his mark) Noe, Helena (her mark) Noe. Witnesses: Gust Brown. Charles Courts. John Wathen. John Hamill and Robert Hanson."

Therefore, was it William, son of William Asa. that was the father of Thomas? Then. the Thomas who left the will in 1716 named his four sons: William, Thomas, Francis and Abraham to inherit HARGIS HOPE


• See also. http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/h/a/r/Calvin-Hargis-Tx/GENE11-0005.html

William married Elizabeth.

Disclaimer: This family tree is a work in progress. Unless a source is specified, the information has not been verified.

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