- Marriage: Rebecca GIBSON
- Died: 1803
Noted events in his life were:
• Will, 1803, Onslow County, NC. ONSLOW COUNTY, NC - WILL BOOK A - James Fields, 25 Sep 1800
Record of Wills, Book A 1800-1825 Onslow County, North Carolina
In the name of the eternal God, Amen: I, James Fields of Onslow County in the State of North Carolina, being in a very low state of health but of sound mind & perfect memory, thanks be to God, calling to mind the certainty of death & the uncertainty of the time and manner of it, but desirous while I have opportunity to dispose of such worldly estate God has pleased to bless me with, do make this my last will and testament, in manner & form following, (viz.): First, I will & bequeath to my beloved wife Rebecca that part of the plantation that we now make of during her natural life. I also lend her the use of a Negro fellow known by the name of Tom during her natural life, and afterwards I give and bequeath this said fellow to my son Aron. I also lend to her one Negro boy known by the name of Charles during her natural life & afterwards the aforementioned Charles to be equally divided between my two eldest sons, Jacob & Moses. I also lend her my stock of all kinds that I now possess during her natural life & afterwards to be equally divided between my three children. ITEM: I give to my beloved wife one feather bed. I also lend her all the plantation tools, together with all my household furniture that I now possess during her natural life & afterwards to be equally divided between my three children. ITEM: I will & bequeath to my son Jacob all the land that I now possess above Hoykind Branch. I also give to my son Jacob the land I bought of Samuel Fields joining James Atkins land & the land I took up joining the same. Also, I give and bequeath to my son Jacob one bed and furniture & also it is my desire meanders of the above mentioned Hoykins Branch, down to a cypress stump standing by the run of the said branch and running thence due north to the run of Whittock River & that the said line shall be the established dividing line between the lands of my sons Jacob and Aron Fields agreeable to the intent & meaning thereof. ITEM: I will & bequeath to my son Moses all the land that I now possess between Callaway's upper line. Also, I give to my son Moses all farming tools that I now possess. ITEM: I will & bequeath to my son Aron all the lands that I now possess from Callaway's upper line to Hawkins Branch, excepting that part of the plantation whereon I now live which I have already lent to my wife during her natural life. I then afterwards to my will is that it should belong to son Aaron. Also I give to my son Aaron one still with my smith's tools together with my carpenter tools, also the gun tools. Also I give to my son Aaron one bed & furniture with a cloth loom, three hogsheads & large oval table. Also I give to my son Aaron two carts. Also, I give to my son-in-law Joseph Key one shilling sterling. ITEM: I will & bequeath to my two grandchildren James Key & Peney Key ten pounds apiece to be raised out of my estate by my executors. Lastly & to conclude, I constitute and appoint my loving sons Jacob, Moses & Aaron executors to this my last will and testament, revoking all other wills by me before made and declare this only to be my last will in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & seal this the 25th day of September 1800.
James Fields (seal)
Signed sealed & delivered in the presents of us: Thos. Gibson Thomas Gibson John Gibson
Onslow County in Court October Term 1803: The will of James Fields was proved in open court by the oath of Thomas Gibson and the executors qualified. Nathaniel Loomis, C.S.C.
James married Rebecca GIBSON, daughter of William (James?) GIBSON and Mary BARCLIFT. (Rebecca GIBSON was born about 1738 and died in Jul 1819.)