- Born: 1735, Fauquier County, VA
- Marriage: Ester JAMISON in 1755
- Died: 1798 at age 63
Noted events in his life were:
• Biography. Eldest son Isaac, after a brief service in the colonial militia, returned to Upperville, and raise seven children on the family plantation named "Valley View".
Eldest son of Moses, he was born in Upperville, Va . and with Ester Jamison, raised eight children on the family plantation "Valley View".
Eldest son of Moses, he was born in Upperville, Va . and with Ester Jamison, raised eight children on the family plantation "Valley View".
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• Legal: heirs purchase slave, 1826, VA. Date: 12/3/1826
Heirs: William Gibson, Moses Gibson, Susannah Gibson, John Logan, James Bowles, Joseph Gibson, Esther Gibson, heirs of Isaac Gibson
Name of slave: Alfred Clark
Description: Clark, a "boy," was born in Alexandria
Witnessed by: John W. Massie, William S. Massie, John W. Minor, Benjamin Hoge, Jacob Douglas, Samuel Bowles, Alfred Logan, Isham Bushrod, C. Bonner
Ref # Q-2:155
Isaac married Ester JAMISON in 1755. (Ester JAMISON was born in 1736 and died in 1825.)