- Born: 1632
- Marriage (1): James TAYLOR betw 1652 - 1654
- Marriage (2): Capt. Francis SLAUGHTER betwn 1654 - 1656 in Rappahannock County, VA
- Marriage (3): Col. John CATLETT Sr. in 1657-1661 in Old Rappahannock County, VA
- Marriage (4): Rev. Amory BUTLER in 1671 in Old Rappahannock County, VA
- Died: 7 May 1673, Essex County, VA at age 41
Noted events in her life were:
• Legal, 1672. 29 Apr 1672: Know All Men by these presents that I Elizabeth Catlett of Rappa County Widdow out ot the natural affection I bear unto my loving Children Francis Slaughter, John Catlett, Elizabeth Catlett, Sarah Catlett and William Catlett their heirs and assignes do give grant sell assigne and make over from me my heirs Executors and Administrators one sorrell mare about the age of seven years with a white star on her forehead with all her increase male and female to be divided amongst my said Children as hereafter mentioned Vizt. that when my Male Children shall arrive tot he age of Twenty and one years then to have their part as they do come to their said age and my Daughters at the day of their Marriage or when they shall arrive to the yeares of Eighteen and in the case of the mortality of any of my aforesaid Children then to be equally divided amongst the surviving Children whose shares have not already been taken out. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale 29th day of April in the 24th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second &c. and in the year of our Lord 1672. n presence of Thomas Blessed, John Jarvis, Thomas Rawson.
• Will: probated 15 Jun 1673, 1673, Rappahannock County, VA. 7 May 1673 Will of Elizabeth BUTLER of Parish of Sittingbourne in County of Rappahannock being in sound and perfect sence and memory. to my son Francis SLAUGHTER all the furniture of my Chamber except a Chest of drawers which I give to my daughter, Sarah to have delivered to hir at hir age of Seventeen or day of Marriage which shall first happen and a close Stool to my Sonne John CATLETT to be delivered to him when he goes to housekeeping.my Sonne Francis SLAUGHTER all the goods money plate rings and Tobaco mentioned in an Account now in the hands of Mr. Daniel GAINES and one negro boy and equall share of the Sheep pewter brass and iron and also Great Chair and small Couch and Chest and such of the things in my house as my Mother gave me by Will the same to bee delivered into his possession when he comes to the age of Nineteen yeares. and not dispose or sell without consent of Exec till he comes to age of one & twenty years. daughter Elizabeth bed & furniture now is standing in the dining rooms and presse and cushion thereon the great Looking Glasse, Drawing Table and Turkey Carpet, and my Child bed linning blanketts and fine baskett and my wedding ring and my biggest diamond ring gilded bodkin and my necklace with the biggest pearle and one small Bible a Silver Sucking bottle and my small Cabinett. To daughter, Sarah, two of my biggest stone rings, a small pearl necklace, a silver bodkin, my new trunk, napkin presse, one small bible, small Testament & a dram cup, my Wedding ring and ovall table. to son, John, a small diamond ring the mapp in the dining roome, one rapier, and one great cutlash, a pair of Silver buttons, a pair of Silver buckles and the Antimonial cupp. to son, William one small cutlash, a ring with a stone in it enameled blew and a silver seal. to two daughters, all my wearing apparel, cloathes and linen. to sons, John and William all the bookes mentioned in the Inventory equally between them according to their Fathers Will. to my two sons, John and William CATLETT and two daughters all of my plate except three spoons with their names on them to whom they belong equally devided between them. all my pewter, brass, linnen and other household stuff unto my two Sonnes John and William and my two Daughters (except what is before bequeathed to my Sonne Francis with a bed furnished to each of my two Sones and my Daughter Sarah (except two Suites of Damask which I give to my two Daughters) to bee equally devided between my two Sonnes and two Daughtes aforesd. to each of my three sons a Carbine. my gray mare and her increase to the four children of my deceased husband, John CATLETT, two daughters shall have delivered to them their former legacies at their day of marriage or at the years of Seventeene and likewise that my two Sons John and William have theirs delivered when they come of age. to my cousin Wm. UNDERWOOD the elder, one Stoned colt which came of the Sorrell mare. to my cousin, Humphrey BOOTH, the chest with the goods in it which were my mothers. to cousin Catherine BOOTH one silver candle cup which was her grandmother's and in case she dyes unto hir Bro. Humphrey. If my Son Francis dye before he comes to age that my Children Surviving enjoy the whole Estate both formerly and now bequeathed unto him. if my Executor hereafter mentioned shall brake up housekeeping that then all my household stuff aforesd bequeath to my Children shall be well packed and locked up & kept from use and that the linnnen and other things that are in the Cask & trunck be forthwith locked up till the time of their delivery and that all my Sonne Francis his household stuff be likewise reserved and kept by itself. to my sister PIERCE, a mourning ring of 20 shillings. if my Executor hereafter mentioned shall voluntarily surrender up the estate that then Mr. Daniel GAINES if he hath the Children shall have the estate provided that he give good Security to keep the sd Estate entire and deliver the same in kind according to my Will and that this my Will bee by him in all respects performed... My executor to supply what Tobacco shall be required for my children's education in England, according to my Husband's Will and that he make sufficient provision when they shall come from Schoole for their accomodation and their bringing of them home to Virginia. all my wearing cloathes which last yeare I sent for as the profitt of my Tobaccoes bee upon the arrival locked in my Cask kept for & devided between my two daughters and the rest my Executor to have for his household use. what remains in the hands of Messrs. JEFFRIES [GIFFORD?] and MANFORDS [MUNFORD?] hands in London be disbursed by them for a bed & furniture for my son Francis, in lieu of one his Father in Law did owe him and two small Silver Tankards (if it so holds out) to be added to the rest of the plate for the children of my deceased husband. Childrens Estate be kept entire and not parted before their legacies given by me become due unto them and if the Court shall take my Childrens Estate out of my Executors hands that then my Children shall altogether be mained well educated & provided for by and with the profitt of their own estate and that my thirds and the profitts thereof shall remain in my Executors hands till they come of age. my Beloved husband, Amory BUTLER, Sole Executor and Guardian to my Children and my cousin, Captain Thos. HAWKINS my brother, Edward ROWSEE and Mr. Daniel GAINES, overseers of this my will. provided that if my Executor do not Educate & keep them well that then Mr. Daniel GAINES shall have Guardianship of my Children my sd Executor allowing him a sufficient maintenance for their well being and education according as my Overseers and Executor shll agree and if they do not what the Court shall determine for the same and if Mr. GAINES shall dye my desire is that my Cousin HAWKINS do take the Children upon the same terms and if my Executor shall imbezill the estate or forsake the Country then my will is that my Overseers shall call him to account and finding him delinquent my Executor shall be either bound to make good the same out of his own Estate or else yield it up to Mr. Daniel GAINES the sd GAINES doing as before for the Security of the Estate. my sd Executor doe purchase as soon as he can a negro man for my Sonne Francis by or with the profitt of the Estate in lieu of one his Father in Law deceased did owe him. give and bequeath of the catle that were my Mothers and now in the keeping of Thomas KIRK two of the female to my Sister PEIRCE hir children with their increase for ever and also the other two of the female kind with their increase and eight steers to my Bro BOOTHS children, the sd Steers and encrease. when they come of age and quality excepted. if the Estate of my Children be taken out of my Executors hand within halfe a year after my decease and if my Executor be compelled to make good of the sd Estate what sall be falling short my Executor sall make good the same out of the encrease of the negroes that have bin since the same have bin committed to him the sd increase to bee delivered to my children in kind when they come of age and if it shall not suffice then the same to bee made good out of my thirds or the portions thereof as my Executor shall think best for my Children. to beloved husband, Amory BUTLER, a bed, furniture, and a mourning ring of 22 Shillings price in England. when my Executor shall have paid all my legacies that then if there be remaining any of my thirds in his hands he shall surrender up the same unto my children the profitts thereof excepted. In witness whereof. hand & Seale the day & yeare above written [sic]. S/Elizabeth BUTLER {Seal}; Wits: Thomas LUCAS Senr., John DAWSON, Sworne before me James KAY by order of Court. Juratus est in Cu Co Rappahannock 7 die May 1673. Probtr Recordat 16 Jun 1673. (Sparacio) [Old Rappa. D&W, 1665-1677:136-43.]
Elizabeth married James TAYLOR betw 1652 - 1654. (James TAYLOR was born ca. 1630 and died about 1655.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
• Legal: separation, 1654, Surry County, VA. recorded March 25, 1654 The Complt of Mrs. Elisabeth Taylor, to this Court agt Mr. James Taylor Chyrurgion her husband (1) That the sd Mr. Taylor hath kept a whore in the house ever Since he married her. (2) That this Complainante hath often advertised him of it yt ??----be soe or Else that durth not use her soe and he Soe presumption (?) as shee was in the house to me. (3) That he gott her wth Child and sent her away after he had kept her Soe long as he could, And that Soe Soone as she was gone he sought to rayse a Scandall on your Complaynant. And did abuse her Callinge her whore, Jade Bitch, and such like and threatening your Complayant wth drawinge his Knife at her and Swore tht hee would slitt yor Complaynant nose for another, And yre Complaynant goeth in great danger of him for he hath Sworne to doe yre Complaynant a mischiefe althought it be not for his creddith. And that your Complaynant hath never Lived in any quittness Since the goeinge of her away. Wherefore She desires a Sepparation And to goe Live with her Mother and to have a Considerable maintenance allowd her from the sd Taylor. Signed Elisabeth Taylor
Elizabeth next married Capt. Francis SLAUGHTER betwn 1654 - 1656 in Rappahannock County, VA. (Capt. Francis SLAUGHTER was born in 1630 and died in 1657 in Essex County, VA.)
Marriage Notes:
Elizabeth was legally separated from her first husband (a rarity at that time).
Elizabeth next married Col. John CATLETT Sr. in 1657-1661 in Old Rappahannock County, VA. (Col. John CATLETT Sr. was born about 1624 in Sittingbourne, Kent, ENGLAND, christened on 19 Oct 1624 in Sittingbourne, Kent, ENGLAND 1 and died in 1671 in Port Royal, Caroline County, VA.)
Marriage Notes:
: 1663, : SLAUGHTER, : ELIZABETH : Widow of Capt. Francis Slaughter, daughter of Margaret Lucas, formerly Upton, married John Catlett Book: D 2, Page: 326 Index to Marriages of Old Rappahannock and Essex Counties, Virginia page 215
[but in 1661 there is a deed listing "John Catlett and his wife Elizabeth", Essex County, VA]
Elizabeth next married Rev. Amory BUTLER in 1671 in Old Rappahannock County, VA. (Rev. Amory BUTLER was born ca. 1630 and died in 1678.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
• Marriage Contract, 1671, Old Rappahannock County, VA. 8-9 May 1671 In the Name of God Amen Whereas there is an Intention of Mariage betweene us Amory Butler of Rappa. County in Virginia Clerk wth Mrs. Elizabeth Catlett of the same place Widdow who is possessed of a certaine Estate Now Know yee that I the said Amory Butler voluntarily freely without compulsion and as an Instrumentall cause of the for supposed Marriage doe for me my heirs administrators &c. relinquish (disowne and forever disclaime) any right or interest of any Estate now in the possession or occupation of the aforesaid Elizabeth Catlett her heirs administrators all rights and interests of Estate that do now properly belong to her the said Mrs. Catlett as Administratrix to the Estate of Her late Husband Collo. John Catlett deceased as also all rights of thirds of dower wch might accrue to me the said Butler by any means or cause after the confirmation of the aforesaid Marriage and I do hereby further Impower the said Mrs. Catlett by Will or any other Instrument in Law whatsoever to dispose give grant or demise [probably devise] the said Estate belonging to her as aforesaid or any part or parcell thereof to whom at what time soever she in her judgment shall think or see fit reserving only to my self the proffits of the same Estate for the maintenance of ye Children of ye Mrs. Catlett and ourselves &c. and from noe part of the Estate itself the Estate alwaies to be kept whole and entire and I the said Amory Butler doe likewise for me my heirs and Administrators &c forever disclaim any right or interest to any Estate in England be it more or less and do freely and voluntarily demise the same unto my aforesaid loving friend Mrs. Catlett for the maintenance of the Children in England to be disposed according to the Will made by Collo. Catlett deceased and further I doe hereby for men my heirs &c promise and grant with the said Mrs. Elizabeth Catlett her heirs Executors Administrators and so forth that I will from time to time and at all times hereafter make good Keepe and continue the aforesaid Estate by me demised as aforesaid in the same state and condition as it shall be at the time of the Solomnization of the Marriage betweene the said Mrs. Catlett and me the said Amory Butler and lastly I the aforesd Butler doe for me my heirs administrators &c. give and confirme all and every the abovesaid Estate into the possession and care of Majr. William Penn of Westmoreland County Gent. and Mr. Edward Rouzee of Rappahannock when at what time Mrs. Eliza Catlett shall think fitt being by her appointed to be Feoffee in Trust for what is concerned in this Instrument of writing. In Witness the said Butler have hereunto set my hand and seale this nine and Twentieth day of Aprill in the Twenty and Fourth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second & c. and in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Six hundred and Seventy Two in presence of us Anthony Bridges Amory Butler John Rosier.
• Marriage Contract, 20 Apr 1672, Richmond County, VA.